Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nadya Suleman

I have absolutely no urge to "Make a Donation" on the Nadya Suleman Family Website. "Leave a Comment", however, is very enticing

My philosophy has always been not to judge others' actions or give my opinion on them unless I have been in exactly the same set of circumstances and can thus speak knowledgably as to what I would do in the same situation. I admit, I haven't been in Nadya's situation -- whatever the heck it is -- but I'll go out on a limb this time. This is insane. There can't be a moral explanation for intentionally having a litter of children who (i) are statistically more likely to have serious health issues; (ii) will require public assistance to support monetarily (obvious, since she already required that for the six she had); and (iii) will require assistance she does not have to care for them physically.

I think after the initial stunned disbelief, the fact that we, the taxpayers, will be supporting these children makes many people feel utter rage. But for those who can get past that, the emotion is sadness. The kids will really be the ones who pay -- at high risk for health problems, with a principal caregiver who is apparently mentally unstable.

What a horrible situation.

If that doctor is allowed to treat anything besides pet rocks in the future, there is something fundamentally wrong with our system.

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